ACE Education Workshops

The role of educators extends far beyond delivering curriculum content. Teachers are also mentors, counsellors, role models and play a pivotal role in shaping their students’ lives. They therefore need requisite soft skills to enable them to effectively deliver on their work. For teachers in low-resource settings, soft skills become even more critical, as they often face peculiar challenges and need key skills like problem solving and creativity to navigate these challenges while also creating a supportive and enabling environment for learning.  

As a result, ACE Education is providing educators with the soft skills they need to effectively engage students, parents and community members. These soft skills include communication, empathy, resilience, problem solving, creativity and leadership. Communication skills are vital to building trust and rapport and to facilitating meaningful engagement with students and parents. Empathy allows teachers to respond sensitively to the diverse needs and backgrounds of their students, fostering a sense of inclusivity and belonging. Resilience enables educators to navigate the myriad challenges they face in resource-limited settings, while maintaining a positive outlook. Problem solving and creativity helps teachers develop and apply creative solutions to the unique set of challenges they face daily.  

ACE Education also facilitates workshops targeted at headteachers and principals as they play a critical role in shaping the school culture, implementing school policies, fostering collaboration and work ethics among the staff. By equipping school heads with necessary soft skills, we are ensuring that Government schools are led by communicative, empathetic and resilient leaders who can thrive, even in resource-limited settings.  

We recognise that teachers need more than technical skills to deliver 21st century education. They need to be empowered with soft skills to ensure a positive, inclusive environment. We are therefore committed to holistic and sustainable change in Government schools that ensures high-quality learning for children.